health, Crunchy Moms, natural healing, fingernails, symptoms, crunchy, thyroid, crunchy mom, nails, iron deficiency, heart problems, cancer, liver, kidneys, AIDS, allergy, arthritis

According to Prescription for Natural Healing (Balch, 2006), you can detect health issues by looking at your fingernails.  Problems often show up in the fingernails before other symptoms rear their ugly heads.  Here are ten common health issues that you can detect with this easy trick!

  1. Thyroid issues may show up as brittle, shiny nails with no half-moon (overactive thyroid), unusually thick nails, or nails separating from the bed may indicate thyroid disorder.
  2. Iron deficiency can show up as brittle nails or vertical ridges.
  3. Heart issues may be indicated by black splinter-like bits, downward-curved nail ends, horizontal indentations, or if the white moon area turns red.
  4. Cancer may show black bands from the cuticle, outward (melanoma), an isolated dark blue bland (skin cancer).
  5. Liver issues may show up as downward-curved nails, or white lines across the nail, yellow nails, or elevation of nail tips.  Cirrhosis may be indicated by white nails with pink near the tips.
  6. Kidney function issues may present as brittle nails, dark spots at the tip of a white nail, or half-and-half nails where the top part is white and the end half is pink, vertical ridges, or all-white nails.
  7. AIDS may show up as white nails that are crumbly near the cuticle.
  8. Allergy or chemical sensitivity/exposure may be indicated by dark nails, white lines, or nails that curve downward and broaden at the tip.
  9. Arthritis warning signs may be shown by nail beading (bumps on the surface), and vertical ridges.
  10. Fungal and skin issues might look greenish or thin.

If you suspect you have an undiagnosed health issue, please see a qualified medical care provider.

Have you been diagnosed with any of the above issues, and can you see signs of it in your nails?  Please share your experiences.