Christmas, childrens gift ideas, Crunchy Moms, gift ideas, childrens gifts, holidays, gift cards, crunchy mom, experiences, subscriptions, coupons

I was sitting down with my significant other trying to decide what in the world to get our son for Christmas. It always seems as though we put so much effort into finding the right gifts, but they rarely make it through the year! When I really thought about it, I realized that most of the gifts that had real value, cost me far less. Here are some of my favorite ideas for gifts with real value.

1. Gift Cards. I’m starting out slow here and slightly commercial, but I love gift cards.  This gift allows my child to have an experience and a gift. He can carry it around and pay for things himself, which he absolutely LOVES.

2. Experiences. The gift of an experience is a great alternative to toys. There are bargain websites and apps where you can buy experiences (hotels, amusement parks, museums, etc.) at discounted prices.  There’s nothing like experiencing fun times with your friends and family!

3. Subscriptions. There are tons of great subscription services out there to fit different ages and budgets!  This is a gift that continues to give all year long! Different subscriptions could include: magazines, books, crafts, websites, and more!

4. Coupons. This is a gift you can personalize and make yourself!  With a coupon book, you can fill it with small things like a trip to the park, a trip to the library, fruit picking, baking cookies, or something bigger like camping in the backyard. Whatever suits you and your family! It also helps when you can’t think of anything to do at the time. Kids love to explore their options and make decisions so this lets them experience a lot in one gift. It also makes a great stocking stuffer!