
The irony of this blog post is that as I was sitting down to start writing, my son asked me to, “Sit on the couch, Mom. Watch chipmunks with me?” Most days I would say, “Yes, in a few minutes. Mom has to finish something first,” but today I looked at the title I had just typed out and thought, “so true, just how important is this blog post?” I went and watched, Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked, instead.

Staying present and deciding what is important when and where and how is not always easy. I know in our house it is something we struggle with on a daily basis! Usually we have a to-do list a mile long and a toddler who doesn’t realize there is a to-do list that is weighing me down… because he thinks instead it is a great day to play with chalk, go for a walk, watch a movie, take a bath, play with playdoh, be Spiderman, have a dance party, read a book, bake cookies among a million other super fun ideas.

I have often joked that our expectations have been lowered since we became parents, but the reality is they haven’t lowered, they have changed. We have different priorities now and sometimes we need to be reminded that maybe we can be using our time in a different way.

Three Benefits to Staying Present During the Day with Your Kiddos:

 1. Less stress and frustration. My husband and I have both noticed that when we take a breather from whatever task we are focused on and turn that focus back to our toddler, everyone is happier overall. Usually our toddler vies for our attention when we are doing anything other than playing with him. Although sometimes we have to do what we are doing, other times we really could do things differently and either wait to finish our task, or find a way to include our little one in the activity with us.

2. You get to have a really good time with your kid. It amazes me every day to experience first-hand, just how funny, kind, and loving my son is. When we spend a day hanging out and playing together, we genuinely have a good time together. I love watching him explore and learn new things. I love making him laugh. But the best part is seeing how he genuinely makes me laugh! And the things I learn from him every day? It’s incredible. I wouldn’t trade these moments for anything.

3. It forces you to slow down. Making decisions to be a more active participant in the here and now, often will lead you to ask the question, “How Important Is it?” and helps you to evaluate more consciously whether the things you think you have to do are really important and necessary. Sometimes the answer is that the thing is very important and must be done, other times the answer isn’t so clear. By even asking the question, you may have started the process to consider other options that you wouldn’t have considered otherwise because you were just living life on cruise control. By making choices to live in the present moment, you will begin to make choices in a more conscious and intentional way.

What are some ways that you have begun to live more presently in your life? What have been the benefits to YOUR family?