Will Breastfeeding Affect Your Libido?
Lean in close because I have a secret to tell you … I had no libido when nursing my second child. I…
Jacky Boyd is a Maine high school English teacher on hiatus. Currently, she stays at home with her two children, ages 5 and 3. While books and teaching are her first passion, she loves to share what she has learned through parenting. Jacky has learned "on the job" about several areas including breastfeeding, baby led weaning, food allergies, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, and literacy, including extensive children's and young adult knowledge. She is dyslexic, so pardon her occasional errors.
Lean in close because I have a secret to tell you … I had no libido when nursing my second child. I…
I’m a huge fan of top ten lists, so in honor of National Breastfeeding Week, I worked out the top ten things…
A teacher joke goes: Throw some essays down a flight of stairs. Assign a grade to each step. Where the essay land…
Being a stay at home mom doesn’t mean I have to do all the house work. I have two kids shadowing me…
The children’s section of a bookstore is overwhelming. Books for ages zero through young adult. Displays of series and leveled readers mixed…