Delaware’s Corporal Punishment Ban Won’t Reduce Abuse
In an attempt to reduce child abuse, Delaware recently became the first state to outlaw corporal punishment, but is the legislation useful…
Jacky Boyd is a Maine high school English teacher on hiatus. Currently, she stays at home with her two children, ages 5 and 3. While books and teaching are her first passion, she loves to share what she has learned through parenting. Jacky has learned "on the job" about several areas including breastfeeding, baby led weaning, food allergies, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, and literacy, including extensive children's and young adult knowledge. She is dyslexic, so pardon her occasional errors.
In an attempt to reduce child abuse, Delaware recently became the first state to outlaw corporal punishment, but is the legislation useful…
We all have people in our lives that we don’t mind seeing our home in a post-toddler-hurricane state. But, there are times…
Each month, my daughter’s PreK teacher sends home a reading incentive sheet: Read eight books a month, earn a free mini pizza…
One of the best ways to encourage reading is access to books coupled with an inviting space to read. All you need…
Nothing squashes your desire to give a gift like the recipient acting entitled to it, all the more when the person in…