Rose Hollo lives in the Midwest where she is a freelance writer, runs her business: Everything’s Rosy Digital Marketing, and cares for her family including husband, preschooler, exchange students, and pets. She has a Bachelor's Degree from Union Institute where she specialized in Holistic Health, and has an MBA in Digital & Social Media from New England College. In her free time she enjoys weekend trips to cultural events, volunteering for Youth for Understanding, and hugging trees.
Three Cheers for Hassle-Free Holiday Shopping
Every year, millions of Americans take to the streets in December. Searching for the perfect holiday gifts can be stressful, expensive, and…
Get a Happy Body and Mind with This Amazing Herb
How to Throw an Ugly Sweater Party
Crunchy moms are some of the hardest-working but most creative people I know. You deserve some fun and a chance to show…
What the Deuce? Mom and Dad Get Potty Trained
I belong to way too many of those online mommy groups, and share way too much personal information with them. Recently the…