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Creating lots of loving memories is the best legacy you can give for your child. These memories can offer immense comfort to your child during those days when they need it most. This is a gift that they can always fall back on any time, even as grown up adults with kids of their own.

So what are the memories your child will treasure when they are all grown up? The answer may surprise you. Memories are not necessarily made up of big moments or bigger gifts. It’s the little things that often create the most memorable impression in little children’s minds.

It may surprise you to hear that the awesome Lego set that Santa brought him for Christmas will only be a faint memory in the years to come, but what he will never forget is sitting on your shoulders to put the star on the Christmas tree. Toys and other material gifts bring only fleeting happiness to children. However, acts of love, surprise hugs and loving words are unforgettable memories they will cherish forever.

Don’t look for huge chunks of time to do little things with your kids. With juggling several commitments, you may find it difficult to spend large chunks of time. Instead, approach it differently. Create precious memories by making everyday moments special.

  • Hug your kids any time and every time. Everyone needs a hug, even when they say they don’t.
  • When reading stories to your child, exaggerate, elaborate, act out and stretch out the fun.
  • Help your kids bake chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast on their birthday.
  • Take them to pick out their very own special backpack for the first day of school.
  • Help your kids plant and care for a tree of their choice in the back yard.
  • At the end of the day, make it a nightly ritual to say goodnight to your kids with a hug and a kiss.
  • Create little family traditions for all special occasions.
  • Always remember, when it comes to making memories, it’s the little things that matter the most.